Context help in Bioclipse
The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) is very powerfull, and takes a lot of architectural things of your hand when developing a bio- and chemoinformatics GUIs. Bioclipse is based on it. One thing the RCP offers is a Help View which works with plain (X)HTML files, and one neat feature is the context help. It is help shown in the Help View when one focused on a specific GUI element.
As an example, the below figure gives the context help for the JmolView in the Jmol plugin (bc_jmol) plugin for Bioclipse:
On the right side of the Jmol view (showing 1SPX) is the Help View, showing the context help for the Jmol View pointing to the 'Jmol Script Commands Reference'.
As an example, the below figure gives the context help for the JmolView in the Jmol plugin (bc_jmol) plugin for Bioclipse:
On the right side of the Jmol view (showing 1SPX) is the Help View, showing the context help for the Jmol View pointing to the 'Jmol Script Commands Reference'.