Christmas presents...
Our Christmas tree has not been decorated yet, but the presents are there: the BMC Bioinformatics paper on userscripts in life sciences, Bioclipse 1.2.0, a long list of blogs to rate, and a very nice overview from Wendy Warr on workflow environments, discussing and comparing different offerings like Pipeline Pilot, Taverna, and KNIME.
The paper on userscripts describes how Greasemonkey scripts can be used to combine different information sources (DOI:10.1186/1471-2105-8-487). A trailer:Background
The web has seen an explosion of chemistry and biology related resources in the last 15 years: thousands of scientific journals, databases, wikis, blogs and resources are available with a wide variety of types of information.
The paper on userscripts describes how Greasemonkey scripts can be used to combine different information sources (DOI:10.1186/1471-2105-8-487). A trailer:Background
The web has seen an explosion of chemistry and biology related resources in the last 15 years: thousands of scientific journals, databases, wikis, blogs and resources are available with a wide variety of types of information.