ChemRank: ranking scientific literature
Mitch just launched ChemRank, a website where we can comment on and vote thumbs up or down for scientific articles. Good initiative I think. Some thoughts:please include the DOI for each article overview on the front page (see why)make the content opendata, e.g. using the CC licenseprovide a means to refer to other literature to back up comments and rankingprovide an API to make mashups (like that of Chemical blogspace for use in Greasemonkey scripts)make the website source code opensource (JSON, RDF come to mind)use microformats where possible (for Operator and FF3)at least provide means for tagging articlesprovide browsing by journalimport articles from Connotea/NatureNetwork/etc
Please consider there as feature requests, and not as critique.
Please consider there as feature requests, and not as critique.