Editing and Validation of CML documents in Bioclipse
One advantage of using XML is that one can rely on good support in libraries for functionality. When parsing XML, one does not have to take care of the syntax, and focus on the data and its semantics. This comes at the expense of verbosity, though, but having the ability to express semantics explicitly is a huge benefit for flexibility.
So, when Peter and Henry put their first documents online about the Chemical Markup Language (CML), I was thrilled, even though is actually was still SGML when I encountered it. The work predates the XML recommendation. As I recently blogged, in '99 I wrote patches for Jmol and JChemPaint to support CML, which were published as preprint in the Chemical Preprint Server in a paper in 2000 in the Internet Journal of Chemistry. Neither of the two has survived.
So, when Peter and Henry put their first documents online about the Chemical Markup Language (CML), I was thrilled, even though is actually was still SGML when I encountered it. The work predates the XML recommendation. As I recently blogged, in '99 I wrote patches for Jmol and JChemPaint to support CML, which were published as preprint in the Chemical Preprint Server in a paper in 2000 in the Internet Journal of Chemistry. Neither of the two has survived.