Bioclipse2 Scripting #1: from SMILES to a UFF optimized structure in Jmol
After some difficulties this week with making an export of CDK plugins in the Bioclipse2 Cheminformatics feature of with the cdk-eclipse software, I got the following cute Bioclipse2 script up and running:dimethylether = cdk.fromSMILES( "COC" );
cdk.addExplicitHydrogens( dimethylether );
cdk.generate3dCoordinates( dimethylether );
// save as CML
cdk.saveCML( dimethylether, "/Virtual/dimethylether.cml" );
ui.open( "/Virtual/dimethylether.cml" ); // this should open a JmolEditor
jmol.minimize(); You can see four of my favorite cheminformatics tools integrated: CDK is used to convert a SMILES into connection table with add explicit hydrogens, and to create initial 3D coordinates (with the code from Christian Hoppe, and thanx to Stefan for fixing that code in the CDK 1.1.x branch!).
cdk.addExplicitHydrogens( dimethylether );
cdk.generate3dCoordinates( dimethylether );
// save as CML
cdk.saveCML( dimethylether, "/Virtual/dimethylether.cml" );
ui.open( "/Virtual/dimethylether.cml" ); // this should open a JmolEditor
jmol.minimize(); You can see four of my favorite cheminformatics tools integrated: CDK is used to convert a SMILES into connection table with add explicit hydrogens, and to create initial 3D coordinates (with the code from Christian Hoppe, and thanx to Stefan for fixing that code in the CDK 1.1.x branch!).