Validating MDL SD files and Symyx molfiles with the CDK
Bioclipse 2.0 introduced a new, powerful molecular table support, and we have been eager to test that on large SD files. A recent ChEBI SD file failed to open, and eyes were immediately at the CDK, which is the cheminformatics library used in Bioclipse.
After careful investigations, it turned out that the ChEBI file contained a few entries which were not MDL molfiles, but queries for the ISISBase system. Those cannot be read by the CDK MDLV2000Reader. However, it crashed on it, instead of failing more savely. That's not nice, and fixed. But, the problem is rather recurrent, and the reason why I like CML so much: invalid input. CML, based on XML, has several general validation approaches that give in-depth error messages of what is wrong with the file.
After careful investigations, it turned out that the ChEBI file contained a few entries which were not MDL molfiles, but queries for the ISISBase system. Those cannot be read by the CDK MDLV2000Reader. However, it crashed on it, instead of failing more savely. That's not nice, and fixed. But, the problem is rather recurrent, and the reason why I like CML so much: invalid input. CML, based on XML, has several general validation approaches that give in-depth error messages of what is wrong with the file.