Dutch contribution to the Crystallography Open Database at risk?
The Dutch company PANalytical has made their HighScore software available (some details in this README) for use in the Crystallography Open Database.
ICDD is rumored not to be amused by the contribution of the HighScore-based search functionality, and rumored to be claiming breach of intellectual property. I have not seen either any ICDD patents nor the HighScore implementation, but clearly there is a conflict of interest.
BTW, Panton Principle endorsers may be interesting in signing the petition for Open Data in crystallograph too.
ICDD is rumored not to be amused by the contribution of the HighScore-based search functionality, and rumored to be claiming breach of intellectual property. I have not seen either any ICDD patents nor the HighScore implementation, but clearly there is a conflict of interest.
BTW, Panton Principle endorsers may be interesting in signing the petition for Open Data in crystallograph too.