- Parallel building the CDK
- Maintaining the JChemPaint-Primary patch
- CDK Module dependencies #2
- UML diagram of CDK module dependencies
The last overview of CDK module dependencies is a bit outdated. It is easy to recreate from the source code repository, using BeanShell and Graphviz with something like:
$ export CLASSPATH=jar/jgrapht-0.6.0.jar $ bsh tools/deptodot.bsh --cdkLibs > cdk.dot $ dot -Tpng -O cdk.dot
The current master gives this diagram:
(The sinchi module no longer exists, but clearly is still picked up from somewhere :)
It is also worth noting how this modularization is defined. We use JavaDoc for this, and in particular by adding a @cdk.module tag to the class JavaDoc, which is explained in this CDK News paper.
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