I just ran into
this interesting post on the
R-bloggers Planet. The described R functionality allows you to compile R code (to byte code) so that it will no longer be interpreted but actually run. That is a performance boost. I guess in due time we will see R use
JIT technologies, so that the difference will disappear, but for now, a good thing to know about. Here are the numbers from that post:
> system.time( myFunction() )
user system elapsed
10.002 0.014 10.021
> system.time( myCompiledFunction() )
user system elapsed
0.692 0.008 0.700
Compiling a function seems pretty easy, and I will give that a try soon, but not today:
> library(compiler)
> myCompiledFunction <- cmpfun(myFunction)
Thanx to
MÃ¥ns at Uppsala University :)
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