Errors in Web of Science: anecdotal data
Because I needed to update my CV and publication list, I double checked my own list with my online profiles at CiteULike, Mendeley, Google Scholar, and ResearcherID (derived from Web of Science). The former two I have control over and are significantly more accurate. Peter Murray-Rust tweeted this week that Web of Science only covers some 3%; I do not know about that, but in the life sciences it is more. But far enough from 100% that also for me, not all my research output is captured by Web of Science.
Still, we all know that Web of Science is crucial to our future, because too many institutes use data derived from that database as part of their evaluation of their employees.
Still, we all know that Web of Science is crucial to our future, because too many institutes use data derived from that database as part of their evaluation of their employees.