Urgent Open Science needs for Drug Discovery: pKa and logP
There is quite some discussion right now on Open Source Drug Discovery, and questions about what is Open Source and what is not. But as I made clear yesterday, I do not think that a project that requires the assigbment of specific rights independent from Open licenses is not the way forward, and in many cases not even possible. In my humble opinion, an #openscience approach is critical. Hiding data pending a (open) patent does not work for me; I'm sorry. Not that I am against patents in general (primarily, the patent system is broken and misused, but the idea has merits)...
Instead, I very much prefer to focus on solutions. Like the CDK, Bioclipse, BODR, CML, and many other Blue Obelisk tools.
Instead, I very much prefer to focus on solutions. Like the CDK, Bioclipse, BODR, CML, and many other Blue Obelisk tools.