Linked Open Drug Data: three years on
Almost three years ago I collaborated with others in the W3C Health Care and Life Sciences interest group. One of the results of that was a paper in the special issue around the semantic web conference at one of the bianual, national ACS meeting (look at this nice RDFa-rich meeting page!). My contribution was around the ChEMBL-RDF, which I recently finally published, though it was already described earlier in an HCLS note.
Anyway, when this paper reached the most viewed paper position in the JChemInf journal, and I tweeted that event, I was asked for an update of the linked data graph (the darker nodes are the twelve the LODD task force worked on).
Anyway, when this paper reached the most viewed paper position in the JChemInf journal, and I tweeted that event, I was asked for an update of the linked data graph (the darker nodes are the twelve the LODD task force worked on).