New Paper: "Using the Semantic Web for Rapid Integration of WikiPathways with Other Biological Online Data Resources"
Andra Waagmeester published a paper on his work on a semantic web version of the WikiPathways (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004989). The paper outlines the design decisions, shows the SPARQL endpoint, and several examples SPARQL queries. These include federates queries, like a mashup with DisGeNET (doi:10.1093/database/bav028) and EMBL-EBI's Expression Atlas. That results in nice visualisations like this:
If you have the relevant information in the pathway, these pathways can help a lot in helping understanding of what is biologically going on. And, of course, used for exactly that a lot.
Press release
Because press releases have become an interesting tool in knowledge dissemination, I wanted to learn what it involved to get one out.
If you have the relevant information in the pathway, these pathways can help a lot in helping understanding of what is biologically going on. And, of course, used for exactly that a lot.
Press release
Because press releases have become an interesting tool in knowledge dissemination, I wanted to learn what it involved to get one out.