Use of the BridgeDb metabolite ID mapping database in PathVisio
A long time ago Martijn van Iersel wrote a PathVisio plugin that visualizes 2D chemical structures of metabolites in pathways as found on WikiPathways. Some time ago I tried to update it to a more recent CDK version, but did not have enough time at the time to get it going. However, John May's helpful DepictionGenerator made it a lot easier, so I set out this morning in updating the code base to use this class and CDK 1.5.13 (well, strictly speaking it's running a prerelease (snapshot) of CDK 1.5.14). With success:
The released version is a bit more tweaked and shows the 2D structure diagram more filling the Structure tab. I have submitted the plugin to the PathVisio Plugin Repository.
Now, you may know that these GPML pathways only contain identifiers, and no chemical structures.
The released version is a bit more tweaked and shows the 2D structure diagram more filling the Structure tab. I have submitted the plugin to the PathVisio Plugin Repository.
Now, you may know that these GPML pathways only contain identifiers, and no chemical structures.