Talk: "Making open science a reality, from a researcher perspective"
Last week I was in Paris (wonderful, but like London, a city that makes you understand Ankh-morpork) for the AgreenSkills+ annual meeting. AgreenSkills+ is a program for postdoc funding in France and the postdocs presented their works. Wednesday (#agreenskills) was a day to learn about Open Science, with other talks from Nancy Potinka and Ivo Grigorov from Foster Open Science, Martin Donnelly from the Edinburgh Digital Curation Centre about data management and the DMPonline tool, and Michael Witt of Purdue University about digital repositories and DataCite (which I should really make time to blog aobut too).
I was asked to talk about my experiences from a researcher perspective (which started with the Woordenboek Organische Chemie).
I was asked to talk about my experiences from a researcher perspective (which started with the Woordenboek Organische Chemie).