Hi all, welcome to this winter solstice challenge! Umm, to not give our southern hemisphere colleagues not a disadvantage, as their winter solstice has already passes, you're up for a summer solstice challenge!


So, you know ImpactStory and Altmetric.com (if not, browse my blog); these are wonderful tools to see what people are doing with your work. I hope you already know about OpenCitations, a collaboration of publishers, CrossRef, and many others, to make all citation data available. They just passed the 50% milestone, congratulations on that amazing achievement! For the younger scientists it may be worth realizing that for the past 20 years, at least, this data was copyrighted and not to be used unless you paid.

Wikidata is awesome! In just 5 years they have bootstrapped one of the most promising platforms for the future of science.Whether you like the tools more, or the CCZero, there is coolness for everyone. I'm proud to have been able to contribute my small 1x1 LEGO bricks to this masterpiece and hope to continue this for many years to come. There are many people doing awesome stuff, and many have way more time, have better skills, etc.

TL;DR: the WikiPathways project (many developers in the USA and Europe, contributors from around the world, and many people curating content, etc) has published a new paper (doi:10.1093/nar/gkx1064/4612963), with a slight focus on metabolism. 

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Almost six years ago my family and I moved back to The Netherlands for personal reasons.
This blog deals with chemblaics in the broader sense. Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields. The big difference between chemblaics and areas such as chem(o)?informatics, chemometrics, computational chemistry, etc, is that chemblaics only uses open source software, open data, and open standards, making experimental results reproducible and validatable. And this is a big difference!
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