When were articles cited by WikiPathways published?
One of the consequences of the high publication pressure is that we cannot keep up converting all those facts in knowledge bases. Indeed, publishers, journals more specifically do not care so much about migrating new knowledge into such bases. Probably this has to do with the business: they give the impression they are more interested in disseminating PDFs than disseminating knowledge. Yes, sure there are projects around this, but they are missing the point, IMHO. But that's the situation and text mining and data curation will be around for the next decade at the very least.
That make any database uptodateness pretty volatile. Our knowledge extends every 15 seconds [0,1] and extracting machine readable facts accurately (i.e. as the author intended) is not trivial.
That make any database uptodateness pretty volatile. Our knowledge extends every 15 seconds [0,1] and extracting machine readable facts accurately (i.e. as the author intended) is not trivial.