new paper: "Risk Governance of Emerging Technologies Demonstrated in Terms of its Applicability to Nanomaterials"
In April I reported about a paper outlining NanoSolveIT and another paper outlining plans have come out, this time detailing the Risk Governance Council which the European Commission asked three H2020 projects to be set up. One is RiskGONE where our group is involved in, and the other two are Gov4Nano and NANORIGO:
Isigonis P, Afantitis A, Antunes D, Bartonova A, Beitollahi A, Bohmer N, et al. Risk Governance of Emerging Technologies Demonstrated in Terms of its Applicability to Nanomaterials. Small. 2020 Jul 23;2003303. 10.1002/smll.202003303
What I personally hope we will achieve with this Council, is that all our governance is linked clearly via FAIR data, provenance, reproducible research, to underlying experiments.
Isigonis P, Afantitis A, Antunes D, Bartonova A, Beitollahi A, Bohmer N, et al. Risk Governance of Emerging Technologies Demonstrated in Terms of its Applicability to Nanomaterials. Small. 2020 Jul 23;2003303. 10.1002/smll.202003303
What I personally hope we will achieve with this Council, is that all our governance is linked clearly via FAIR data, provenance, reproducible research, to underlying experiments.