new paper: "A Semi-Automated Workflow for FAIR Maturity Indicators in the Life Sciences"
In a collaboration orchestrated via the NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) Work Group F on Data Management (WGF is formerly known as WG4) between a few H2020 projects (NanoCommons, Gov4Nano, RiskGONE, and NanoSolveIT), we just published an article about the using of Jupyter Notebooks to assess how FAIR (see doi:10.1162/dint_r_00024) several databases are.
It is important to realize this is not to judge these database, but to provide them with a map of how they can make there databases more FAIR. After all, the notebook explains in detail how the level of FAIR was assessed and what they database can do become from "mature". This is what the maturity indicators are about.
It is important to realize this is not to judge these database, but to provide them with a map of how they can make there databases more FAIR. After all, the notebook explains in detail how the level of FAIR was assessed and what they database can do become from "mature". This is what the maturity indicators are about.