CDK, OPSIN, BridgeDb in Python 3.7 with scyjava and Bacting
Sometimes you just have to ask the right question. In all the excitement I forgot why I asked specifically this, but I duckducked "use maven central in python" and I ran into scyjava. The documentation was not extensive, but installed was the logical pip install scyjava.
And the cool thing is, the Groovy code examples can be converted without big changes.
from scyjava import config, jimport
workspaceRoot = "."
cdkClass = jimport("net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager")
cdk = cdkClass(workspaceRoot)
The first two instructions are the equivalent of the @Grab in Groovy.
And the cool thing is, the Groovy code examples can be converted without big changes.
from scyjava import config, jimport
workspaceRoot = "."
cdkClass = jimport("net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager")
cdk = cdkClass(workspaceRoot)
The first two instructions are the equivalent of the @Grab in Groovy.