new: "A strategy towards the generation of testable adverse outcome pathways for nanomaterials"
Our BiGCaT research group studies the systems underlying biology. Here, I focus my research on the chemistry bits, and contribute with my knowledge around cheminformatics, data analysis, data representation, and software development. Marvin Martens is bridging molecular pathways (think WikiPathways, doi:10.1093/nar/gkaa1024) with Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs), see this paper and this preprint. He is dissemination his OpenRiskNet and EU-ToxRisk research to the nano projects, such as RiskGONE.
Now, our RiskGONE partners in Leuven, Dr Sivakumar Murugadoss and Prof.
Now, our RiskGONE partners in Leuven, Dr Sivakumar Murugadoss and Prof.